Thursday, April 12, 2012


Being one who has also never been good at self-imposed deadlines, the fact that my first themed blog post actually meeting said deadline is nothing short of a miracle. Whatever you do, don't look at the time stamp of this post, because you will then see that not only do I stink at getting it done, I'm just as bad at getting it started. I am a big ole' procrastinator. Not only do I procrastinate, but I honestly forgot I even relaunched this blog yesterday. (Can you relaunch something that was never launched in the first place? According to me, yes.)

Practice makes perfect - or at least slightly less crappy - so bear with me as I get this ball rolling.

As Thursday rolls around, I'm usually beginning to think of what needs to be done over the weekend versus what I want to do. Occasionally the two intersect, and I'm hoping this weekend can be a little work and a little play. Here are some of the big things on my list:

1) Purge and gorge.

(where food and many condiments go to die)

Oddly enough, cleaning out the fridge is an exhilaration like none other for me. I have to identify and trash the unrecognizable, which is sobering when you start adding up the dollars wasted on those organic avocados, but then I get to go shopping. For those who hate grocery shopping, you should really consider having me do it for you. There are few things that bring me such joy as spending other people's money on beautiful food. Right now the current fridge's purge looks like it's going to be a two-bagger (rotting parsley, moldy coconut milk in a Whole Foods water bottle, brown bananas, pasta salad from Easter...) but I can guarantee this fridge will be a thing of beauty by Sunday morning.

2) Get dirty.

my children

It all started three weeks ago when we had that week in the 70's and 80's. Beautiful spring days like that have a way of making you think you can do absolutely anything, and for me, that anything was to start a vegetable garden. My whole life I have struggled to keep healthy plants from biting it and now my brown thumb thinks it can turn green. Armed with a copy of Vegetable Gardening For Beginners and a healthy dose of delusion, I headed to The Christmas Tree Shoppe to pick up clearance packets of seeds (half-dead seeds are always a good start, right?). I ended up with a bunch of leafy greens (mesculin, spinach, arugula), pattypan squash and green zucchini, peppers, cukes, and beets. Then I stopped at Home Depot for some basic gardening supplies and drove home, fantasizing about the delicious bounty that would grow forth and supply us with more salad than we would know what to do with.

Fast forward 4 days later (which is how long it took me to bring the supplies from the car to the house) and we were back to regular spring weather, which meant no planting outside yet. I started my little seedlings in plantable potting squares indoors and, to my surprise, they grew! The problem now is that their sheltered little life has made them start losing color and they're looking pretty thin and wimpy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some evenings above the 30's so I can get these little guys outside, otherwise they will become excellent cat grass for Henny and Reese....I'm doubting, however, that I'll get excited enough to delve into sustainable urban gardening again.

3) Get (a little) crunk.

Patron is not my n-word.

One of my lady friends is in town this weekend! I enjoy her company sober, but I also very much enjoy it slightly less sober, especially when it involves karaoke. I've been practicing my 90's girl rock and am planning on breaking out some serious Breeders action, but I'm sure to recall the classics as the night goes on. Rump Shaker, anyone?

4) Get pretty.

flea market bling
My cousin-in-law (hubby's cousin) is getting married this weekend and I'm doing makeup for the bride, maid of honor, mother of the groom, and the groom's sister. I desperately need more of my friends to get married so I have a reason to get dolled up and dance like a fool. I love an opportunity to get pretty and wear something other than the ninja suit I wear to work every day, but this time around I feel even more pressure to look fabulous. Making other people look fabulous definitely ups the ante, but it might also be because the last wedding we went to was our own wedding. Perhaps this is anti-feminist to say, but I really like looking good for my man....even though the frills and effort are mostly wasted on him. He is a low-maintenance man and he doesn't need much from me to stay interested (hence the drawer full of honeymoon undies that still have yet to see the light of day). He likes it when I wear stripes and men's button down shirts. He prefers me in flats to heels. He likes my butt in trousers. He is a rare man and I appreciate him greatly, but sometimes I want to paint my nails red, wear a dress and put some lipstick on. I think this wedding may be one of those instances.

5) Craft it up.

homemade jewelz
I was on a really good kick of crafting for a couple of weeks and, like most things with me, it fell off. I did, however, amass a nice little collection of Stephanie-made bracelets which I was planning on listing on Etsy immediately. Naturally, that didn't happen. Here's to hoping this weeks brings me some Etsy love and motivation...mama needs a new pair of shoes!



  1. Clean fridge = less stress at dinner time:) clean anything actually lessens the stress if you ask me. I like to play a little game called "let's see how far I can let this place go" before I can't stand it anymore! Not fun for those *several* days!

  2. Liana, I completely agree! There's something about seeing a space go from insanely dirty to absolutely spotless that gives me the warm fuzzies. I will stand in my kitchen for hours after cleaning, admiring the gleaming crumbless surfaces and stand guard so that nothing may soil the room. It's a little twisted, but you know what? It makes me a happy lady ;)
